Happily Ever After

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Our Precious Princess

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Kids and ME

Kepada bakal-bakal ibu dan juga ibu-ibu...dapatkanlah informasi berguna di laman web ini. Penulis dapati laman web ini menyediakan informasi yang sangat berguna dan banyak membantu penulis tentang bagaimana menghadapi saat-saat dari mula mengandung sehinggalah anak menigkat remaja dalam menyediakan 'bright child'. Skop yang dibincangkan sangat luas dari pemakanan, penyediaan dan pengurusan IQ anak-anak. Ya, otak anak-anak kita boleh di optimumkan untuk mendapatkan IQ yang tinggi...Insyaallah, kita sebagai ibu akan berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk menjaga amanah Allah ini sebaik mungkin kan?. Semoga dengan usaha kita ini, Allah akan berikan pulangan yang setimpal dan lebih baik lagi...amin ya rabb. Semoga bermanfaat ya!

Ini antara aktiviti-aktiviti bersama anak-anak yang akan penulis kongsikan bersama anda semua. Penulis telah pun mencubanya @ http://gummimummy.blogspot.com ! Anak saya sangat seronok, itu tersangat penting. Biar apa pun hasil aktiviti bersama anak-anak, yang penting FUN!!! So, let's have fun together with your kids! Love it! (www.nurseryrhyme4u.com). Best sites for Parents.


Ladybug ladybug...fly far away

Old Mac Donald had a Farm eaeio...on his farm he has a duck...quack quack here...quack quack there....
Butterfly butterfly...came back here another day...

Bunny...hop...bunny hop hop hop!

London bride is falling down...falling down...my fair lady!

Miss Polly had a dolly was sick sick..So she put her in bed quick quick....
If you happy and you know it clap your hand!

Five little went out one day...Mother duck says quack quack!

Head shoulders knees and toes...knees and toes...ears eyes mouth and nose

Print this out and have colouring fun with your kids while singing nursery rhymes! Try this, your kids will love it even you will do!  

Practice makes perfect. She manage to draw circle and straight line too


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would
if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Say it fast at least 3 times!! yeay....
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Mommy's can have online toddler and kid game website where your tot can have fun whilst learning. Check this out ~ http://www.webtots.co.uk/ 

Enter hereThe following activities can be printed off and copied for use in your early years setting or, for parents with kids, at home.

6. MATH LEARNING that sticks with YOU
Math is about so much more than just numbers. Here is a website I can share with you which has approach each math concept from all angles, offering visual representations, word problems, interactive activities, and more. Get your own membership and it really worth it!


Recycling~Making her very own car with plate number MARHA 8

DISCOVERY~We can build taller building with good foundation
